2023 November Minutes

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2023

We gathered in Helm 302 and the meeting was called to order just after 10:00am by Dan Dorsett,
filling in for Jim Ware who was away for the weekend.

In attendance: Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Dan Dorsett, Maner Ferguson, Charles Halton, Rod
Heard, Addison Hosea, Loys Mather, Sky Robinson, Bob Voll, and special guest Bill Cox from
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd.

Dan began the meeting with some pastoral concerns and a request for help with transportation to
medical appointments for one of our members.

Dues are $50 per year and now due for 2024. Please pay through Christ Church Cathedral noting
Brotherhood dues on the memo line. Anne Anderson will gather all the funds and write one
check to the Brotherhood and send along with a list of who has paid. Many include a
contribution with their dues payment. Any amount above $50 goes into our account at CCC and
is available for projects.

Len Cox introduced his brother Bill Cox who is an active member of the men’s group at Good
Shepherd and is interested in starting a chapter of the Brotherhood there. We spent some time
discussing our chapter activities and the benefits of the Brotherhood. We offered assistance in
connecting Good Shepherd to the national office and obtaining brochures and information that
may be useful to their development effort.

Loys brought up our prior year sponsorship of a student in Haiti through E=H (Education =
Hope) and moved that we renew the pledge adding $50. Motion carried and a check for $250
will be sent.

Following that discussion Fr. Charles led us in a study of Matthew 25:1-13

Next meeting: December 9, 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary