2023 October Minutes

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2023

We gathered in Helm 302 and the meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Jim Ware

In attendance: Jim Ware, Jesus Garcia, Guy Ellis, Tom Crehore, Bill Swinford, Dan Dorsett, Loys Mather, Bode Brooks, Addison Hosea, Bob Voll, Rod Heard, Maner Ferguson, John Halton and Rev. Charles Halton.

Jim began the meeting by sharing some pastoral concerns among our members, and a request for prayers and assistance with transportation to medical appointments. He will follow up with an email.

Jim then noted that we received a congratulatory letter from the Brotherhood for having greater than 75% dues participation, which is apparently a high rate among the chapters.

The brotherhood will serve breakfast on October 22. Win Underwood will cook the bacon and sausage on Saturday and Tim McWaters will be the lead cook on Sunday morning. Guy Ellis will lead the dishwashing and cleanup. Volunteers needed for all of the associated tasks.

Nearly half of the gravestones at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground (OEBG) have been cleaned by a group led by Anita Reddy and a few of her DAR friends. They volunteered to do the work with cleaning solution and materials supplied by the church. The cost to the Cathedral is low and is being covered by the maintenance budget.

Bob Voll reported the Dios de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration sponsored by the Living Arts and Science Center will once again be at the OEBG on November 1 beginning at 5pm. The crowd for this event is expected to be up to 2,000 people.

Parishioner Ann Loggins and her brother have been picking up around the fence and driveway at the OEBG and the areas generally look much better. Nice contribution!

Following that discussion Fr. Charles led us in a study of Matthew 22:1-14.

Next meeting: November 11, 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary

Mr. Addison Hosea