2022 June

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2022

Gathering began shortly before 10:00am on the cottage patio at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Jim Ware. In attendance: Lyon Bradbury, Tom Crehore, Dan Dorsett, Guy Ellis, Maner Ferguson, Bill Foley, Rev. Charles Halton, John Halton, Addison Hosea, Ken Kikuchi, Loys Mather, Sky Robinson, Paul Roscoe, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware.

Jim led discussion of upcoming Brotherhood activities:

There will be no meeting in July.

Jim explained how dues and contributions are handled. Dues paid through Christ Church Cathedral are forwarded to the national office. Contributions are retained for our use locally. He noted that some brothers add a contribution when paying dues.

Bob Voll gave us an update on the London Ferrell headstone project. Another $1k in funding is still needed.

Dan reported that we have $424.02 available to spend.

Charles led us in a study of Romans 5:1-5 using both the NRSV and The Message versions.

Next meeting: 10:00am August 13, 2022.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary