2021 June

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2021

Gathering began shortly before 10:00am in person on the cottage patio at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. The meeting was called to order at approximately10:10am. In attendance: Jim Ware, Guy Ellis, Maner Ferguson, C. B. Baize, Bob Voll, John Kuzmik, Lyon Bradbury, Loys Mather, Tom Crehore, Addison Hosea, and Dan Dorsett.

We enjoyed in-person fellowship time, catching up with one another. A few pastoral concerns were shared.

Chapter Director Jim reported that the Rev. Charles Halton, our new Associate Rector, will serve as our chaplain beginning in August. Charles is also now a member of the Brotherhood.

Guy reported that he is working a half day a week at the OEBG attending to various horticulture needs. Lots of trimming and cleanup needed. Some tree limbs down or to be taken down. Stacking them up and will probably call in Bailey Tree Service to grind them up come fall. All expressed appreciation for Guy’s dedication and work, and several Brothers expressed an interest in scheduling time to help during the week with OEBG maintenance.

Treasurer Dan reported that our available balance is $214.02.

Jim led us in study of this week’s Gospel, Mark 4:26-34.

Next meeting: 10:00am July 10, 2021.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary