2021 May

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2021

Gathering began at 9:52am via Zoom and the meeting was called to order at approximately10:05am. In attendance: Bob Voll, Lyon Bradbury, Guy Ellis, Jim Ware, Wendell Snyder, Addison Hosea, Len Cox, Loys Mather, Will Berry, Dan Dorsett, Tom Crehore and Maner Ferguson. The opening liturgy included prayers for Brother David Jaquith who passed away on April 19.

We enjoyed fellowship time, catching up with one another.

Updates from President Jim:
Much discussion about the vaccination clinic scheduled for Friday14 at the cathedral. Brothers will help set up and assist in helping people find their way. Len Cox was commended for his excellent work in getting this project going. There will be a followup session in a few weeks for those who want to get their second shot.

May 23 – Pentecost and the 225th anniversary of Christ Church Cathedral – will be celebrated with a picnic at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Guy and Jim met to determine the work projects needed to get the OEBG in shape for the picnic. Volunteers were welcomed (and a couple appointed!).

Treasurer Dan reported that our available balance is $214.02.

Fr. Will led us in study of this week’s Gospel, John 15:9-17.

Next meeting: 10:00am June 12, 2021.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary