2017 November


November 8, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by the Director, Br Guy Ellis, in the Tilford Room of Christ Church Cathedral. In attendance were C. B. Baize, Lyon Bradbury, Lance Churchill, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, David Jaquith, John Perrine, Fr. Brent Owens, Wendel Snyder, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as circulated.

Our bank account remains at $671.66.

Breakfast – Our breakfast team, Team 7, will be cooking breakfast on December 10.

Room In The Inn – Our first hosting of RITN will be Wednesday, December 13. MaryThom will be cooking. The guests will congregate at The United Methodist Church and walk to the Cathedral, arriving about 6:45 for supper at 7:00. The Junior Daughters of the King have again expressed interest is helping host and setting up the beds in the basement but may need some help as the new beds are temperapuetic beds and are heavier than the other mattresses. We will contact Robert Fugate to see who is spending the night and cooking breakfast. We will help MaryThom make sack lunches for the group.

Day Of The Dead – The Day Of The Dead meeting at the OEBG went well in spite of the weather. About 500-600 people attended. Hot chocolate was served. Several brothers met the following day to help the LA & S clean up.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – A discussion was held concerning the maintenance of the OEBG. We have been having called work days by the Director every month or so as needed. Response has been spotty from the Brotherhood and nonexistent from the rest of the parish. We need suggestions as to how to improve this.

Members were reminded that annual dues were due and could be paid by leaving a check to CCC with “Brotherhood Of Saint Andrew dues” on the “for” line in Lesa’s box at the welcome desk. Br. Ellis suggested the dues for Brothers Hosea and Owens be paid by the Brotherhood and this was approved

The Lambeth Study was from Matthew 25:14-30. A discussion of the reading was led by Fr. Owens.

The closing prayers were led by Br. Ellis and we adjourned at 8:15 PM. The December meeting will be announced by email, as the second Wednesday is the same evening as the RITI.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine