2017 October


October 14, 2017

The meeting was called to order by the Director, Br Guy Ellis at 10:00 AM, at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Attending were Brothers C. B. Baize, Alex Chapman, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Maner Ferguson, Frank Kebbell, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Paul Roscoe, Tom Sturgill, and Bob Voll. Darrin Gulla and Dan Dorsett were guests.

The minutes of the last meeting of September 9 were approved as circulated.

The bank balance remains at $671.66.

Br. Ellis announced that the Brotherhood (team 7)would be cooking breakfast one week from tomorrow, October 22, and on December 10.

Room In The Inn – We will host Room In The Inn on the second Wednesday of the months of December, January, February, and March. Marythom Hamblin has agreed to cook supper for the four sessions we are responsible for. Lance Churchill or Robert Fugate will coordinate the cooks for breakfast.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – Notification of the next clean up day will be made by email. We will be picking up trash and other debris. There will also be a chore list for those who may not make the clean up day and wish to work at another time.

Annual Recruiting Breakfast – The Annual Recruiting Breakfast has been moved to November 11 at 8:30 AM due to the poor response on October 14. We will circulate a list of potential guests and be more active in our recruitment. Further notice will be forth coming.

Meeting date and time – More information will be forth coming as decisions are made.

Day Of The Dead – The Day Of The Dead will be at the OEBG from 5-9 PM on November 1. Person of contact is Jeffery Nichols. Persons of contact at CCC are Wanda Jaquith and Pat Arnold. Last year we had over two thousand attendees.

Community Action – In the past several meetings, we have briefly discussed becoming more active in community activities. The Kentucky Refuge Ministry was suggested as an organization in need of volunteer help, Dabney Parker as contact person. It was also suggested that we put BrStA literature in the information rack at the welcome center.

Dues – Dues are sue shortly, $40annually. These can be paid to Lisa, checks made out to CCC with “Brotherhood of Saint Andrew/Annual dues” on the memo line.

The Lambeth Study was a passage from Mark 12:41-44. After the readings, a discussion was led by Fr. Owens.

The closing prayers were led by Br. Ellis and we were dismissed at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine