2017 February


February 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. in the Spirituality Room of Christ Church Episcopal by the Director, Br. Guy Ellis. In attendance were Lance Churchill, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Kevin Gilbert, Frank Kebbell, David Jaquith, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Wendel Snyder, and Jim Ware.

We have $857.33 in the treasury.

Dues – We still have several members who have not paid the dues for 2017. This is probably because they do not they are delinquent. They will be called and reminded.

Fish Fry Dates for Lent – We will not be cooking on March 24 as planned as Elizabeth Conrad has scheduled a special spirituality speaker for that date. The three remaining dates are March 10, 17, and 31. We have not heard from the choir about their interest in co-hosting these dates. Br. Greg Graf will check with them.

Room In The Inn – We are not certain if we will be hosting RITI in March. It may depend on the weather If so, it will be March 8. A notice will be sent out.

Annual Report – The annual report is due shortly. This goes to the National Office and contains our activities for the past and upcoming year, membership, projects, etc. Br. Jim Ware reported on the December Grand Council meeting in Louisville of about 30 men which he attended. There was a strong emphasis on increasing the number of chapters in the country and our membership, especially among younger men. The names of Eli Dunlap and Dawson Fugate were mentioned. Jim Ware and John Perrine have received and answered an inquiry from the Somerset Parish concerning their interest in starting a new chapter of BrStA.

Meeting Time – Several members and younger men have difficulty meeting at our regular time 0f 10:00 AM on Saturday. There was a discussion of the problem but no decision was reached.

The Lambeth Study, led by Fr. Brent Owens, was taken from a reading of Mathew 5:21-26, and was followed by discussion of the text.

The closing prayers were led by Br. Ellis and we were dismissed at 11:30. The next meeting will be held on March 11 at the Burying Ground.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine