2016 October


October 8, 2016

The October meeting was called for the annual recruiting breakfast and installation of new members began at 9:30 AM. Members attending were C. B. Baize, Lance Churchill, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Maner Ferguson, Greg Graf, David Jaquith, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware. Guests were National President Jeff Butcher and Diocesan Coordinator Bob Burdette.

After a delicious breakfast of “omelets in a bag”, the installation of new members was held in the Chapel, led by Dean Carol Wade and Fr. Brent Owens. Installed as new members were Alex Chapman, Frank Kebbler, John Milward, and Bob Sandford. Also Brother Guy Ellis was installed as Director of the chapter.

No business was transacted and we dismissed at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine