2015 March


March, 2015

The meeting was called to order by the director, Jim Ware, at 11:00 AM, at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground.

Attending were C. B. Baize, Drew Byrd, Lance Churchill, Len Cox, David Cassidy, Guy Ellis, Kevin Gilbert, Greg Graf, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Bob Voll, Win Underwood, and Jim Ware. Dick Mahan and Ben Newsome were guests.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – Ben Newsome presented his ongoing plans for the burying ground. He noted that a general clean-up was needed due to the accumulation of trash and debris over the winter months. He also reported that Seedleaf was again interested in cooperating with the OEBG to use the grounds for teaching methods for growing and preparing food in conjunction with the University of Kentucky and Transylvania University as well as the local community. Also, the Living Arts and Science Center has approximately fifteen mature boxwoods which they must move and would like to donate to the burying ground, the value of which is several hundred dollars each. These would have to be moved in the near future. These are large enough to require professional equipment to dig, remove, and transport. Some of these could be planted directly in designated areas and others could be temporarily planted in the area of the labyrinth for holding until moved at a nlater time during the renovation of the grounds. Ben is forming a master schedule for renovating the paths and removing the fence between the burying grounds and the old Catholic cemetery as well as removing the barbed wire from the fence on the Elm Tree side of the property in the early spring. He has purchased a load of granular limestone for the grounds for the two gardens and for lining the walking paths.

Fish Fry – The fish fry on Friday March 13 was a success, serving approximately 100 guests and grossing $570. The next fish fry is scheduled for Friday, March 20, co-hosted with the choir, in conjunction with the Gallery Hop at CCC.

Room In The Inn – Our last hosting for the RITI until the fall was Wednesday, March 11, with help from the Junior Daughters of the King. We had seven guests.

Breakfast Team – The Brotherhood will be serving breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 5. This is typically the largest breakfast of the year, approximately 250 – 300 people. There will be no Sunday school that morning. We will be serving from the small dining room to allow for more tables in the great hall. We are planning to serve omelets from the stage. Robin Cook will provide country ham from Critchfield’s.

Ushers – Len Cox asked that persons who could usher on request get in contact with Margaret. Some times during the week ushers are needed on short notice for occasions such as funerals and many people cannot serve due to their work.

The Lambeth Study was led by Fr. Brent Owens taken from John 3:14-21, followed by a discussion of the text.

The closing prayers were led by Br. Ware and we dismissed at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine, Sec.