2015 January


January 10, 2015

The meeting was called to order by the director, Jim Ware, at 10:00 AM, at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. In attendance were C.B. Baize, Lance Churchill, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Bill Davis, David DeBrot, Guy Ellis, Kevin Gilbert, Greg Graf, Fr. Brent Owens, John Perrine, Win Underwood, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware.

The opening service was led by Jim Ware.

Room In The Inn – BrStA will host RITI this Wednesday, January 14, along with the Junior Daughters of the King. We expect about twelve guests and they have requested barbeque by Robert Fugate who has agreed . MaryThom Hamblin will cook the remainder of the meal. The other dates we will serve as hosts this year are February 11 and March 11.

Substituting For John Hodgman – The Brotherhood began this on January 5th and plans to continue until John’s return which is projected to be four to six weeks. It seems to be going well. There
are some spots in the cathedral that need touch-up painting which we will do as time allows.

Lenten Fish Fry – We plan to have a fish fry each Friday in Lent, February 20 and 27 and March 6, 13, 20, and 27. We will split the duties and the proceeds with the choir. One of the Fridays will coincide with Gallery Hop and another with Commodores. We will be using two friers.

Breakfast Team – The Brotherhood will be cooking and serving breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 5th.

There was no New Business.

The reading for the Lambeth study was from Mark 1:4-11, followed by a discussion which was led by Fr. Owens.

Our bank balance is $860.64.
We dismissed at 11:30 after the closing service, led by Jim Ware.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine