Sharing the good news of Jesus, our local chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is active in the life of
Christ Church Cathedral.

The Brothers of St. Andrew
at Christ Church Cathedral


Links of Interest


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is named for St. Andrew who, according to St. John’s Gospel, after meeting Jesus, went to find his brother Simon, and said to him, “we have found the Messiah.” Then he took Simon to Jesus.

Emulating the act of Andrew, the first Brothers Andrew reached out to men in rooming houses, giving them Bibles and inviting them to come to church to hear for themselves the witness of Scripture to God’s love and His Son, Jesus. They brought people to be baptized and confirmed in the church. They brought them to Christ’s Kingdom. They established mission churches. The Brotherhood grew, and became international in scope.

We know from the cumulative experiences of the past that there is no limit to this ministry. No limit as long as our ministry is one of extending the golden thread of God’s love and sharing Jesus Christ with the world.

Visit the national web site at


Discipline of Prayer

To pray daily for the spread of Christ’s kingdom, especially among men and youth, and for God’s blessings upon the labors of the Brotherhood.

Discipline of Study

To study the Holy Scriptures regularly and the teachings of the Church, to attain a better understanding of how to follow Christ and bring others into his kingdom.

Discipline of Service

To make continuous efforts, week by week, to bring others nearer to Christ through his Church.



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