2024 March Minutes

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral

Meeting Minutes March 16, 2024

We gathered at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground and were called to order at 10:06am by Chapter Director Jim Ware.

In attendance: C.B. Baize, Rev. Thomas Becker, Lyon Bradbury, Bode Brooks, Len Cox, Dan Dorsett, Guy Ellis, Bill Foley, Jesus Garcia, Rod Heard, Loys Mather, Wendell Snyder, Win Underwood, Bob Voll, Jim Ware, and our guests, Tim Anderson, Jeff Butcher, Kurt Jaenicke and Keith Johnston.

We welcomed guests Tim Anderson and Keith Johnston, both CCC members, and Kurt Jaenicke from Trinity Episcopal – Danville, who hopes to start a Brotherhood chapter there. And we welcomed Jeff Butcher, former national President and current Senior Vice President & Historian of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Louisville KY.

We enjoyed a discussion of the role of the Brotherhood in our churches and the possibilities for Trinity – Danville where Kurt would like the men’s group to consider affiliating with the Brotherhood.

Brother Butcher addressed the roles of prayer, study and service, and the various other focus areas of the Brotherhood.

He also provided insight into the upcoming 81st Convention of the Episcopal Church which will take place June 22 – 29 in Louisville. The Brotherhood will have a presence and volunteers are needed for four-hour shifts in the information booth.

Len Cox brought us up to date on our next breakfast serving assignment – tomorrow! Tim McWaters and Ken Kikuchi will oversee the cooking on Sunday morning and Win Underwood will pre-cook bacon on Saturday.

Rev. Thomas led us in our bible study of Mark 9:14-29. Great discussion!

Following the closing sequence in our handbook, the meeting was adjourned at 11am, though many lingered for additional social time.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary