2022 October

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2022

Gathering began shortly before 10:00am in Helm 302. The meeting was called to order around 10:05am by Jim Ware. In attendance: Jim Ware, Sky Robinson, Guy Ellis, Lyon Bradbury, C.B. Baize, Len Cox, Bob Voll, Bill Foley, Paul Roscoe, Loys Mather, Maner Ferguson, Bill Swinford, and Dan Dorsett. We enjoyed fellowship time, catching up with each other and sharing pastoral concerns and a story or two.

Jim led a discussion of upcoming events:

The Brotherhood will serve breakfast on 10/16. Len has recruited the cooking team and will follow up with all those who will be serving.

The All-Saints celebration (Dia de los Muertos) at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground on 11/1 will be hosted by the Living Arts and Science Center. LASC has contracted Robin Cook to install special (and temporary) lighting for the event

Guy reported that we will have an extra clean up session of the grounds, including some tree work, just prior to the event.

We continue to sponsor a student in Haiti and the sponsorship needs to be renewed each year. Additionally, each of us is free to contribute directly and several brothers have done so.

Dan reported that we have $381.68 available to spend.

Jim led us in a study of Luke 17:11-19 using both the NRSV and The Message versions.

Next meeting: 10:00am November 12, 2022.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary