2021 October

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2021

Gathering began shortly before 10:00am at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground lodge patio. The meeting was called to order a bit after 10:00am by Jim Ware In attendance: Jim Ware, Rev. Charles Halton, Len Cox, Paul Roscoe, Guy Ellis, Bob Voll, Maner Ferguson, Tom Crehore, Lyon Bradbury, Addison Hosea, John Kuzmik and Dan Dorsett.

Update on Cathedral activities:
Len Cox reported that we are in discussion with Wild Health about future vaccination clinics to be hosted at CCC.

Paul Roscoe mentioned that contributions to the Haiti student project are still being accepted.

Brotherhood annual dues are due after 11/1 and should be paid through CCC.

Charles reported that POLO, the young families group, will have a work session at the OEBG. He will talk to Guy and Bob about selecting maintenance projects. Guy reported that one outdoor bench at the OEBG is falling apart and suggested a particular warehouse on Manchester Street might have an appropriate teakwood replacement.

Treasurer Dan reported that our available balance is $214.02.

Fr. Charles led us in study of this week’s Gospel, Mark 10:17-31, using both NRSV and The Message versions.

Next meeting: 10:00am November 13, 2021.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary