2021 April

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2021

Gathering began at 9:55am via Zoom and the meeting was called to order at approximately10:05am. In attendance: David Jaquith, Jim Ware, Wendell Snyder, Guy Ellis, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Paul Roscoe, Lyon Bradbury, Bob Voll, John Perrine, Sky Robinson, Loys Mather, and Dan Dorsett.

We enjoyed fellowship time, catching up with one another.

Updates from President Jim:
There was a general discussion about live services now being offered at the cathedral.

May 23 – Pentecost and the 225th anniversary of Christ Church Cathedral – will be celebrated with a picnic at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. The Brothers can help get the property ready. Lawn Masters mows every three weeks but there is weeding and cleanup needed. Guy and Jim will meet Monday, 4/12, to decide what projects would be useful, e.g., weeding, trimming in various areas. The list will be circulated and Brothers will be invited to sign up for specific projects. The picnic will be BYO (bring your own), but we will need to provide containers for trash and recycling on the day of the event.

Len Cox updated on the vaccination project. LFCHD wants to finish at Consolidated Baptist on 4/28 and may come to Christ Church Cathedral to offer services after that.

Dan reported that our available balance is $204.02.

Jim led us in study of this week’s Gospel, John 20:19-31.

Next meeting: 10:00am May 8, 2021.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary