2020 February

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am in room H-302 by Jim Ware. In attendance: Jim Ware, David Jaquith, Guy Ellis, Bob Voll, Lyon Bradbury, Sky Robinson, Tom Crehore, Derek Churchill, Wendell Snyder, Maner Ferguson, Tom Sturgill, Will Berry, and Dan Dorsett.

Jim Ware led a discussion of upcoming activities:

Shrove Tuesday is February 25 and we will setup, cook pancakes and cleanup. (Cajun food will also be available, prepared by Michael Miller and Tom Yates.)

Next opportunities to serve Room In The Inn are February 18 and March 17.

The Brotherhood breakfast team will serve on March 15 and May 10 (Mother’s Day).

CCC will participate in a Habitat for Humanity build. Brothers might consider wearing Brotherhood shirts if volunteering for this project.

Derek suggested a service project at Cathedral Domain. The Parents of Little Ones (POLO) group has scheduled a weekend work project and get together March 6 – 8, and the Brotherhood is invited to do the cooking and help with projects. POLO expects 20 adults and 25 children for the event. Let Derek know if you can participate.

Additionally, Derek noted that the annual St. George’s Day cleanup at the Domain is April 17-19. Another service opportunity.

We concluded with bible study of Matthew 5:13-20.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary