2019 November

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am at the OEBG by Jim Ware, using An Order For Worship for Chapter Meetings. In attendance: Lyon Bradbury, John Kuzmik, Maner Ferguson, Jim Ware, David Jaquith, Tom Crehore, Dan Dorsett and Schuyler Robinson. Jim also welcomed Rev. Will Berry who is joining the Brotherhood.

Jim reminded all to pay annual dues online at Brothersandrew.net or to Lesa at CCC.

The Brotherhood will next serve breakfast on December 7.

Dan reported that the Brotherhood account balance is $704.93 – no change from the prior month.

Various member concerns were discussed.

Jim reported that he has had discussions with Windy Roscoe about having a joint meeting or event with the Daughters of the King. Stay tuned.

The December meeting will be in the Helm Building, Third Floor.

We concluded with bible study of John 13:12-17; 34-35.

Following Closing Prayers from Devotional Handbook, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary