2018 October

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am at the OEBG by Jim Ware. In attendance were Guy Ellis, Jim Ware, Tom Crehore, Bob Voll, Dan Dorsett, and the Rev. Brent Owens.

As the first order of business, Jim thanked Guy for his two years of leadership as Chapter Director. With this meeting Jim begins his two-year stint in that capacity. Applause and thanks for both was noted.

Jim, in his (now) previous capacity as Treasurer reported a balance of $378.92 in the Brotherhood account at CCC.

Jim asked for a volunteer to serve as Treasurer for the coming year. Dan volunteered and was appointed. Additionally, at Jim’s request, Dan agreed to also serve as Secretary.

The annual brunch, to include prospective members, was tentatively scheduled for November 10.

The Brotherhood’s next Sunday breakfast duty will be December 10. More to follow; please help as you are able.

In closing, Brent led African Bible study of John 12:12-17, 34-35: A new commandment of love.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary