2018 May

Brotherhood of Saint Andrew

Christ Church Cathedral
Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:00am at the OEBG by Jim Ware. In attendance: Lyon Bradbury, Tom Crehore, Wendell Snyder, John Kuzmik, Sky Robinson, Jim Ware, David Jaquith, Paul Roscoe, Dan Dorsett and Maner Ferguson.

We are responsible for breakfast on May 12. Len Cox contacted cooks and everyone else is asked to help with setup and cleanup.

Jim thanked everyone for agreeing to this special meeting time because many brothers wanted to attend a funeral at the cathedral at 10:30.

The cleanup day at the OEBG on April 6 went very well. Thanks to all who helped. There was no formal meeting in April in favor of the cleanup day.

Next meeting is Saturday, June 8 at 10:00am at the OEBG. There will be no meeting in July, as is the custom; we will resume meeting in August at the regular time.

We briefly discussed possible service projects: (1) Fifth Sunday breakfast with profit to a cathedral ministry, and (2) a work day at Cathedral Domain. No decisions were made; Jim will talk to Andy and Cindy Sigmon at the Domain for guidance on a date and project.

We need to schedule another work day at the OEBG. Look for an email with the date.

Dan reported that our share of the profit from the Fish Fry in March was approximately $150 (profit was equally split with Choir). Will get the balance in our account from Lesa and share via email before the next meeting.

In closing, Jim led bible study based on Acts 9:36-43.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dorsett, Secretary