2018 June


Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by Chapter Director Guy Ellis

Items discussed were:
1. Attending to the overgrown hedge at the Upper Street parking lot –I will pick a date for 10-12 am (to beat the heat) to remove tree saplings etc.
2. Will also pick work times for the OEBG to trim hedge, pick up limbs, straighten up the entrance etc.
3. See about helping with the Helm Bldg transport of furniture and other things to be coordinated by Jim Ware
4. Following up on inquiry from St Andrews about starting a chapter of BOSA at their church
5. Skipping the July meeting (vacations etc.) and resuming in August. Following these discussions the African Bible study of Mark 4:26-34 was carried out – the parable of the small seed.

The service was concluded with dismissal at 11:15 AM.

Those in attendance were S Robinson, Ft Brent, M Ferguson, T Crehore ,D Dorsett, D Jaquith, T Sturgill, B Voll and G Ellis.

Respectfully submitted,
G Ellis