2017 March

Brothers St Andrew

March 11, 2017

Bros Present: P Roscoe ,R Sanford, D Jaquith, F Kebble, A chapman, Ft Brent, T Crehore, L Cox, R Voll, T Sturgill ,W Snyder G Ellis, J Ware, A Thompson.

Our financial balance stands at $573.63. J Perrine was under the weather and could not be present as he was under “quarantine.”

The meeting was called to order by G Ellis at 10:am. Following opening prayers we reviewed our homework assignment related to review of our corporate model. J Ware reported that guidelines from National would be distributed soon related to recruitment and retention. Ft Brent elaborated on strategy that had been discussed in the Feb meeting stressing a personal approach (one on one) contact. A vigorous colloquy ensued with production of a new homework assignment i.e. each Brother to invite two people to come to a meeting to check us out. Also Ft Brent will put in a commercial this Sunday as part of improving our visibility in the Parish.

Next we put the final touched on the upcoming fish fry March 17 which will coincide with Gallery Hop and St Patrick’s Day. I will check with Greg Graf and Robert Fugate with an eye to having fish fryer availability.

I noted that gardening season is nigh upon us and that planning for OEBG workdays will soon be forth coming.

Next, the African Bible Study related to John 3: 1-17 took place . The discussion ran far afield including but not limited to “ salvation is not our responsibility alone”, the nature of judging, asking the right question, born from above, the stories of Flannery O’Connor ( she was discussed in Ginny May’s Sunday School Class years ago-her story “Revelation” which I couldn’t remember today.

The meeting concluded with the prayer go around and final prayers.

Guy T Ellis