2016 November


November 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order by the Director, Br. Guy Ellis, at 10:00 AM at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Attending were C. B. Baize, Lance Churchill, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Maner Ferguson, David Jaquith, Frank Kebbler, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Paul Roscoe, Sky Robinson, Tom Sturgill, Bob Sutherland, and Jim Ware.

The Brothers were reminded that we will be cooking breakfast Sunday morning December 11.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – Saturday, October 29 was a fall planting day at the Burying Ground. The Third Street entrance was modified by planting a variegated dogwood on each side of the entrance, removing the stone benches, and planting juniper and barberry shrubs to cover most of the area outside the fence which should discourage loitering in that area. A burr oak was planted in the area of the labyrinth and about 40 golden euonymus plant in the butterfly garden. Over all, approximately 300 new plants were added to the OEBG.

Room In The Inn – The Brotherhood will be hosting Room In The Inn the second Wednesday of each month, beginning December14, then January 11, February 8, and March 8

Shelves For Godly Play – Elizabeth Conrad has asked that we consider making one more bookcase for the three to five year olds classroom. We actually have empty shelves now and may need only to shift the shelves so that the lessons are in the proper location. We will make this shift and see if that is satisfactory; if not, we will build another bookcase.

Fish Fry Dates For Lent – There was discussion concerning the dates and number of fish fries for this coming Lent. In general, it was felt that we should not have a fish fry on every Friday, but try to spread them out and combine with other events, such as Commodores. No decisions were made.

Dues – Dues are $40 and should be paid this fall to either John Perrine or Lesa Wherle.

We have $757.40 in our bank account.

The Lambeth Study was Matthew 25:31-46 and was led by Fr. Owen.

The closing prayers were led by Br. Ellis and we closed at 11:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine