2016 June


June 11, 2016

The meeting was called to order by the Director, Jim Ware, at 10:00 AM, at The Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Present were Alex Chapman, Lance Churchill, Tom Crehore, Maner Ferguson, Frank Kebbler, Fr . Brent Owens, John Perrine, Win Underwood, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware. Br. Ware announced that John Lavich has moved to Lexington from Akron, Ohio, and has expressed interest in joining the Brotherhood.

Parking Lot
The Brotherhood is maint aining the church parking lot on Upper Street, periodically cutting and spraying bushes and weeds. There are several small trees which need to be cut and removed. We will look into the cost of renting a chipper.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground
A work day was held at the OEBG on Saturday, June 11.

David Cassidy
David Cassidy ’s Devotional Handbook and apron were returned to the church by his family. It was suggested that we mount the apron in a shadow box for display at the church.

Gallery Hop
The theme for the July 15 gallery hop is “America The Beautiful”, sponsored by the Cross committee at Christ Church which will use any proceeds to help build a Habitat House in early 2017. Robert Fugate suggested that The Brotherhood consider cookin g dinner for the gallery hop, consisting of barbeque chicken, baked beans, etc, much on the format of our recent fish fries at Lent, the proceeds going to the Cross committee for use to help fund the building of the Habitat House. Cross has about $5,000 f or use for this project but needs about $5,000 more to meet the church’s obligation.

John Hodgman
John Hodgman has resigned as Facilities Manager effective immediately, due to health reasons. The Brotherhood may be called upon to help with John’s work u ntil other arrangements can be made.

Several members expressed concern that The Brotherhood and its activities are not well known to the congregation, some parishioners thinking that is a closed organization. Fr. Owens will help increase our image by prov iding articles and photos of our activities in church publications and announcements periodically from the pulpit.

It was announced that there will be a Service of Welcome for our Provisional Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Bruce Caldwell on Saturday, June 18 th at 10 :00

We will not have a meeting next month in July. The next meeting will be August 13th

Our bank balance is $1,228.07.

The Lambeth Study was taken from Luke 7:36-8:3

The closing prayers were read and we dismissed at 11:30 AM

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine