2015 November


November 14, 2015

The Director, Jim Ware, called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Present were Lance Churchill, Tom Crehore, Bill Davis, Guy Ellis, Greg Graf, David Jaquith, Fr. Brent Owens, Ron Parkey, John Perrine, Paul Roscoe, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware. Brother Ware announced that we now have 27 members on our roster.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – The last work day of the year at the OEBG was Saturday, November 7. Turnout was good with about 40 workers showing up, 25 of whom were Transy students. Some plants were move and about 200 new plants were put in, including trees and bushes.

Fish Fry Dates for Lent – Possible dates for the fish fries are February 12 and 26, and March 4, 11 and 18. February 19 is eliminated as it is the Diocesan convention. We will check with Robert Fugate before finalizing these dates. Alan Garner has volunteered to publicize these events to the community. Menu will be the same as this year. We have also been asked to help clean up after the Shrove Tuesday supper.

Room In The Inn – We would like to host RITI, along with the Junior Daughters of the King, on the second Wednesdays of January, February, and March. We will check with Tom Howard to confirm these dates.

Brides Room – The brides’ room is being renovated following the water damage several months ago. We have volunteered to paint the walls before the installation of the carpet and plan to do this on Thursday, November 19, starting at 8:30 AM.

Announcements – We have $900.77 in the treasury.

The next meeting will be December 12.

Fr. Owens announced that Morning Prayer will be held Monday through Friday at 8 AM during Lent in the Chapel.


Following readings from Mark 13:1-8, a discussion of the passage was led by Fr. Owens.

Brother Ware led the closing service and prayers and we dismissed at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine