2015 July


July 13, 2015

The meeting was called to order by the Director, Brother Jim Ware, at 9:30 AM, at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Attending were C. B. Baize, David Cassidy, Lance Churchill, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, David DeBrot, Guy Ellis, Kevin Gilbert, Greg Graf, David Jaquith, Fr. Brent Owens, John Perrine, Sky Robinson, Win Underwood and Jim Ware. Tom Sturgill and Alex Thompson were guests.

The meeting in June was entirely devoted to cleaning up the Upper Street parking lot.

The Brotherhood has been asked to help with the maintenance and upkeep of the Father Horine Memorial Garden at the Cathedral Domain. Carolyn and Guy Jones are heading up this ministry. We plan to see who can help with the garden and perhaps several brothers can coordinate a drive down to the Domaine for a work day in the near future.

Rally Day is September 6. We anticipate being asked to cook and coordinate the activities. We will ask that our duties be clearly defined so we are sure what we are responsible for.

Sky Robinson moved that The Brotherhood make a donation of $100 to the youth group traveling to Costa Rica from The Cathedral for a mission trip next week. C.B. Baize seconded the motion and it passed.

Len Cox invited Alex Thompson and Tom Sturgill to the meeting as potential members. They were given a brief summary of our chapter activities.

There is $1,160.29 in the treasury.

The Lambeth Study was taken from Amos 7:7-15, led by Fr. Owens.

Following the closing ceremony and prayers, we dismissed at 10:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine