2015 April


April 11, 2015

The meeting was called to order by the director, Jim Ware, at 10:00 AM, at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Members attending were David Cassidy, Lance Churchill, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Allen Garner, Kevin Gilbert, John Perrine, Sky Robinson, Wyn Underwood, and Jim Ware.

Kudos were sent to the Brotherhood from Brothers Cox and Owens for the breakfast Easter Sunday morning. Accolades were received from many who attended. Fr. Owens also sent a message that we remember the Mary Parmer meeting Saturday, April 25, and attend if at all possible. Brother Ware said this should help us learn our strengths and weakness and grow our parish, which was one of the main objectives listed in our Holy Conversations.

Lenten Fish Fries – The Friday fish fries were successful. Two of the six were cancelled due to the weather. We cleared about $1,100 which we split with the choir. Allen Garner felt we could improve on our marketing and advance ticket sales to the community next year and volunteered to head up this chore in 2016.

Habitat For Humanity – The parish is going to help build another Habitat House this summer. There will be a fund raiser Run Walk Ride as we did last year to help raise funds to build the house. The fund raiser will be at Coldstream Park on May 23 and include an auction, bouncy house, tent, band, and a picnic at 12:30 with hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken. Walkers, runners, and bike riders are to solicit sponsors to help raise funds. The church will produce an ad pamphlet selling ads to sponsors and businesses. Ad sales will have to be completed by May 6 to allow time for publishing. It was suggested that we have the ad pamphlets at the welcome desk and available to help solicit ads from the community. It was estimated that it will take about $60,000 to build the house. Our portion would be $10,000. We have $5,000 left from last year and, therefore, would have to raise only $5,000 to meet our obligation. Any excess would carry over to the next year we participate.

Brother Ware announced that the National Newsletter contained information on the national convention which is to be held in Philadelphia June 11- 13.

Brother Ware led the Lambeth Study which was taken from John 20:19-31 and the discussion which followed.

There being no further business, the closing prayers were given and we were dismissed at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
John Perrine