2014 November


November 8, 2014

The meeting was called to order by the Director, Jim Ware, at 9:30 AM, at the Old
Episcopal Burying Ground. Attending were Drew Byrd, Len Cox, Tom Crehore, Guy Ellis, Matt
Lutz, John Perrine, Win Underwood, Bob Voll, and Jim Ware. The opening service was led by Jim Ware.

Old Episcopal Burying Ground – Ben Newsome has submitted a plan for improvements
to the OEBG which has been approved by the vestry. Presently he is constructing a brick
foundation for the Herbies at the side of the shed. There is always ongoing work which needs
to be done and a schedule of working dates and chores was encouraged. We have had three working dates at the burying ground this year.

Jim Ware proposed that we look ahead to the coming year to see what projects and
activities we could anticipate. He is interested in getting as many young members as we can
and wondered about methods of getting the youth involved. Levi Lutz is our only youth member and we will talk with Kate Byrd for her suggestions and help.

It was suggested that we consider projects at the Cathedral Domaine such as the
recently established Horine Meditation Garden. Also we will work for and encourage the reactivation of the Diocesan Cursillo classes.

We plan to continue the BrStA breakfast team in 2015.

The Lambeth Study was a discussion of the reading from Matthew 25:1-13, led by Jim Ware.

We have $860.64 in the treasury.
The closing prayers were led by Jim Ware and we dismissed at 10:30 AM. Respectfully submitted, John Perrine